Our Story
Why Did We Start This Clinic?
I was at a community event a while back and was enjoying the program. Within minutes of the commencement a new friend of mine took her rambunctious 3 year old, who was very recently diagnosed with autism, out in the hall as to not distract the audience. As I turned to smile at her I didn't catch her eye, but caught the look on her face as she was shut out of one more community event. It broke my heart. My sister's oldest daughter (now 20) was diagnosed with very high functioning autism and I saw them go through the denial and grief of that diagnosis. But until that day, just a short while ago, I hadn't realized that being a parent of a child with a disorder, and especially autism, can be so very isolating .
That night I sat down with my husband and we decided that if there was anything we could do to help these families, we would. So then and there we hatched the plan to begin Whole Child Therapy. After beginning this process people in the community have come out of the woodwork to offer their support. We are proud to be a member of the community and as our mission states our goal is to provide evidence-based services with compassion, knowledge, and collaborative effort. Our clients are why we are here. And our whole goal is to be the best clinic that we can be!
Alycen F. DeCosta MS, CCC-SLP

What does Whole Child Therapy do?

In addition to specializing in Autism, we also offer services to children of all ages with many different needs.
Our most common services we provide are:
Articulation Disorders
Developmental Delay
Expressive and/or Receptive Language Disorder
Fine Motor Delay
Language Delay
Behavioral Issues
Children ages 18 months to 18 years are served at our clinic.
We are also able to diagnose Autism using the ADOS assessment.
This is performed by Stacey Simmons, LCSW, BCBA
We are committed to helping individuals and their families by providing the best collaborative services in Utah County.
Clinic Standards
Whole Child Therapy operates at the highest standard of practice. Our therapists are all highly trained, qualified, and licensed in their respective fields. We strive to use the most up to date information available to ensure that our therapists are delivering services in the most effective way.